Tip on Creating Healthy Habits

There’s something I want to talk about & I know someone needs to hear this. 

If you are eating high calorie, processed or sugary foods everyday. First I want to say these foods are not “bad”. 

They’re bad because you’re eating it every single day. 

So you need a well balanced diet right? Ok well how do you do that? You probably think “I need to make some changes, I’m gonna take it out completely” then what happens? You take out the food that you’re familiar with and then you don’t know what to eat so you eat protein shakes and salads for a few days and realize this is not fun. So you go back to what you’re use to. 

If this sounds like you, I want to give you a tip when you’re trying to make some changes and you don’t know where to start. 

Instead of completely eliminating foods from your diet, try REPLACING it for something else. I’ve seen & heard this happen so many times, I client will tell me “I stopped eating bread, soda, tortillas, beans, rice” and I’m just like “ok so what ARE you eating” and based off their answer I can tell they were just doing what they thought was best. I’ll even hear people say “I’ve lost 5 pounds!” Which of course that’s a good thing when that’s what your goal was in the first place. But let me tell you, OF COURSE you were going to lose weight you took out a bunch of food from your diet. That’s gonna happen because now you’re at a deficit. But what happens next? That’s the part I want to help more people with. By taking out all that food and not replacing it with anything, it’s only going to last so long before you fall back into the same habits you were doing before you took all this food out. And then you’re left thinking “eating healthy just isn’t for me” 

Ive said this before but we all know we need to eat healthy. But if you don’t go about it in a healthy sustainable way, it doesn’t matter how much you KNOW you need to eat healthy you’re never gonna stick to it or want to do it. 

So here’s what I’ve been doing recently that’s really helped how I feel. Without taking OUT food from my diet. 

Do I like soda? Yes it tastes good. But I don’t drink it everyday. I save it for when I REALLY want it with tacos from a stand or something. So what do I replace it with in my day to day diet? I’ll have a sparking ice. Ingredients are good, calories are better if I want it more often like at dinner and they give you that same bubbly yummy taste. Fun fact, grapefruit taste like Squirt, lemon lime taste like Sprite and the apple one taste like Manzanita. Now you’ve replaced something that you ENJOY cause there’s nothing wrong with soda (yes I know there’s a ton of sugar in soda) but now you’re not drinking it every single day. So whenever you do have a soda guess what,  nothings going to happen to you because you have a well balanced diet 80-90% of the time. It doesn’t have to be perfect 24/7, whatever that means honestly lol but you do need to make some replacements so you’re not always starving yourself and going back and forth from old habits. 

Another example is pasta. I recently switched to gluten free pasta because it sits in my stomach better & i can digest it easier. When the food you eat serves your body it’s amazing how it affects the physical appearance. You won’t feel as bloated or inflamed. who doesn’t love pasta? So again, foods you love just finding better ingredients and healthier alternatives.

There are so many other examples, but I just wanted to give you my example with Soda & pasta. If you are done feeling tired all the time… no energy, headaches, feeling fatigued, wondering what in the world should I be eating!? let’s work together. If you are ready, i am prepared to help you. I’m here for you! Invest in your health. It’s worth it, I absolutely guarantee it. You shouldn’t have to be stressed about food all the time. There IS a better way. 

I coach a healthy habits group every Monday, helping people reset their gut health and work towards their goals. It’s 30 days of committing to learning what serves your body best.

Life is already crazy with things we can’t control. Let’s focus on what we can control. OUR HEALTH. 

Adly Juarez
Workout of the Day with AdlyKay

Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my website :) I’m working on optimizing it more for the future so be sure to follow me on Instagram for updates!

I want to start doing “Workout of the Day” here on my blog section that is easy to access for everybody and that way if you ever feel like “I don’t know what to do at the gym today” you can come to this section and pick any of the “Workout of the Day with Adlyay” workouts and have something to follow at the gym or even at home!

Here is this weeks workout:

  • warm up 5 min

  1. Pull ups (assisted machine) 4x10 SS w/ straight arm lat pulldowns 4x12

  2. Dumbbell Arnold Presses 4x12,12,10,10 SS w/ Cable rope front raises 4x12

  3. Barbell rows (underhand grip) 4x15

  4. Dumbbell circles w/ a bicep curl SS with seated dumbbell lateral forward variation 4x10


4 rounds

12 kettle bell upright rows

15 leg lifts with a hip raise

20 plank shoulder taps (left & right = 1)

This is a back & shoulder workout. You can modify any of the exercises if you’re going to do this at home and don’t have a cable at home.

If you guys give this workout a try, be sure to hashtag #workoutofthedaywithAdlyKay so I know it was from my website! :)

Adly Juarez
Getting Out of a Rut
Green pants black crop top-Adly House-0026.jpg

Hi guys!! Yay finally. My first blog post. You can ask Maggie how long I’ve been trying to do this. Lol I wanted a space were I could write out my long posts/thoughts and ideas when I wanted to other than on Instagram. ‘Cause I know not everybody wants to read a long post all the time on Insta, so nooooowwwww if you do you can come here to read! Problem solved c: 

I want to share all things life, business, fitness, food & health on here. Lately, I’ve been experiencing sort of like a rut... I know I can’t be the only person that feels this way. It’s frustrating because I know what I need to do to snap out of it but sometimes it’s hard. Business has picked up, which I am super happy about. One thing I’ve learned about running your own business is that it can be a blessing & a curse running your own schedule, at least for me it is. I love what I do. I never considered myself a “workaholic”. Even just that word has such a negative connotation to it. Starting AdlyKay & my personal training and coaching business is my baby, it’s my passion, it’s what I love to do everyday but as the business started I started putting work first. I have to find that balance where, yes, AdlyKay is ME, but I also have a family and goals and a life just like everyone else. It’s hard to explain this because I never want it to sound like I’m blaming my business for my faults, nobody told me to start AdlyKay, it had been MY idea to do something like this & the timing was just right when we started it. I want to see my business do well, why wouldn’t i? BUT Ive realized that just because I run my own business doesn’t mean i should be slacking in those other areas in my life. Yes, it can get busy but PRIORITZE. Something i have not been doing which is why I’ve felt in a rut. In this case i have not been prioritizing my workouts or time to make my meals for my busy days. I am the one standing in my own way. I can totally see that, so I don’t want to be the one standing in my own way anymore.

Today I am doing a face mask, writing programs for my clients, recording a home workout, cooking, working on announcing AdlyKay shirts, spending time with my hubby, going to barre class, calling a company I need to get in touch with, stretch. catching up on laundry & some cleaning. This is a new day and I’m excited to be getting all of this done today. I’m also suuuuuuper excited to fall in love with working out again. “You need to get it together” is what I finally told myself. No more! 

Working out gives me ENERGY, makes my MOOD better, makes me FEEL good, makes me EAT good. All positive effects I’ve been missing out on because I haven’t prioritized better. So, if you find your self feeling this way all I can say is don’t give up, “this too shall pass”, and make a routine for yourself. Prioritize that routine/list and do your thang girl, you’ll feel so much better. 

If you read this far I wanna start a hashtag on my instagram. I already started doing #AdlyKay so now I’m going to add #GetItGirl. Someone gave me that idea a long time ago & we’re doing it! Feel free to use it when you feel like you need to hype yourself up or your friends. Get it girl, you can do this!!! 

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